If Yoda were to say it, it’s a blog site which offers you the reviews you’ll need to expand your own collections or legions of the Emperors Finest this side of the galaxy…
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The Clone Star ship are under siege, dozen of Republic Cruisers are caught in surprise attacks leaves no survives....
Captain Argyus
As seen in the the CW series: Episode 9 "Cloak of Darkness", Argyus was entrusted in escorting Viceroy Nut Gunray to Coruscant alongside Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and Padawan Ahsoka.
Luminara Undul
Jedi Master & most valued adviser on the Jedi Council.
Darth Maul - Shirtless
Darth Maul, the Sith Apprentice of Darth Sidious!
Evolution Clone Commando's
This troopers are the ELITE of the Republic/Empire legions!
Imperial Pilot Legacy 2
second Evolution Pack of Imperial Pilots Legacy to commemorate these Flying Aces!
Hmmm, I really like the Battle for Endor and Rishi Moon Outpost Attack.
ReplyDeleteThe Ewok and the commando droid captain seem to attract me, hehe.
I want the Genosis Attack Battle pack for my Republic Gunship!!!..
ReplyDeletei would personally get the Rishi Moon set!
do PM me for the pricing or too book if your interested!
i got the figures for you and pass them to my sister to give it to you! i packed one figure less...my bad sorry!
Geonosis Battle pack!!! :D..gotta get those for my Gunship!!!
ReplyDeleteMan I thought we saw the last of that emperor in the Mustafar set long ago. :( Oh well