Its my Second week in Singapore! and there are still so much that i haven seen...
It was Sunday, so i decided to head down to China Town, to do some Shopping at the Famous CHINA SQUARE CENTRAL, whereby on Sunday they have a lot of part time toy vendors which open their stores at the flea market and the 1st & 2nd floor are filled with Toyshops,SWEET!
Here the picture of the Complex:
Here a look at the second floor of the complex and as you can see vendors stores below, which all sell toys!!!
i actually secretly snap this pictures, as Store Keepers in Singapore do not like people to take pictures of their stores as they find it very rude...
Even if i ask, they still refuse... however i still went ahead and snap this picture, as i had to show you guys:
There is no doubt that there were many stores, however in-terms of Starwars content the selection wasn't great, there just weren't that many special figures (Latest Figure) that i Hope for...that's just what i think.
There was actually a lot of 12inch figures (slide show & medicom) and transformers if your into those toys.
At the end of the tour/trip, i ended up buying a few 25th anniversary Cobra Troopers and i even scored a HISS TANK, as shown below>
After that i decided to drop by a TRU store at Orchard and the selection there wasn't any better, as seen below: China Square Central is still a place that is worth the visit, never have i seen so many toy stores & part time flea market vendors, group in one area.And they really have alot of toys that would make you go, "Eh...I used to have that as a kid"
Sorry i couldn't show you more pictures.... will try to befriend a few shops there to try to get them, to let me snap a few more pictures of their shops! Till Next Time! Keep Collecting!
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The Clone Star ship are under siege, dozen of Republic Cruisers are caught in surprise attacks leaves no survives....
Captain Argyus
As seen in the the CW series: Episode 9 "Cloak of Darkness", Argyus was entrusted in escorting Viceroy Nut Gunray to Coruscant alongside Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and Padawan Ahsoka.
Luminara Undul
Jedi Master & most valued adviser on the Jedi Council.
Darth Maul - Shirtless
Darth Maul, the Sith Apprentice of Darth Sidious!
Evolution Clone Commando's
This troopers are the ELITE of the Republic/Empire legions!
Imperial Pilot Legacy 2
second Evolution Pack of Imperial Pilots Legacy to commemorate these Flying Aces!