Whiles here’s a look at the 3 Toy R Us shops which I visited:
Toy R Us at Bandar Utama (PJ)
This was one of the most updated stores, key highlights were:
1) Joker Squad - which i am still considering if its worth buying. This pack offers 5 stromtroopes (good for army building) and one of which is a girl BTW... priced at 198.00
2) Wave 4 Figures - loads of Saga legends Clone Troopers (blue, Red, Green & Yellow), no Arc however..
3) Unleash Packs - Palpatine & Vader packs, each comes with 2 Storm troopers. A Repackage Set - RM 89.90!!! (old Pack for 54.90)
4) Mighty Muggs - Wave 8 - have 2 royal guards left ! (get them quick)

This is a rather new Shop, as the shopping Mall is new, this picture below its kinda outdated, as i revisited the store on monday and found some new highlights:
1) Wave 4 Saga Legends - A few Clone troopers, what was interesting was there are a few Arc Troopers Yellow, however i was lucky enough to find one Red Color Trooper ! which i will be reviewing soon. Price 39.90
2) Lastest Battle Packs - worth getting is 2 more boxes of AT-TE Battle Packs

Toy R Us: KLCC
Dont even bother to go there seriously, just look at the image below...

My Take on the visits:
1) Toy R Us stocks are actually quite out dated, compare to the local toyshops, however i understand their situation as they buy in bulk and sell single figures, which leave them with a "unwanted figures", within the waves.
2) Prices are up again!! A single carded figure cost RM39.90 now, previously was RM 36.90 when the clone wars & saga legends first launch. Battle packs are priced at RM 104.90…
3) From the looks of it all latest releases can be found in the One Utama Store, which I guess generates the most sells for them and push the remaining unsellable products to KLCC & MID Valley.