They are utilized and station in many different icy worlds, however they are high recognized in the Battle of Hoth, where they storm Rebel Alliance Base!

Don't know about you guys, but this is exceptionally hard figure to find in Malaysia, as when the wave appeared in store months ago, many insider in TRU were selling them to sclupers illegally. thus making this figure really hard to in stores.
However a kind collector manage to reserve one for me at one of the TRU outlets, which was very kind of him, as he remembered that i wanted this figure.
This figure is important to me cause its a straight repack of 2007's VTAC Snowtroper! which i only manage to score one and its not even cared sobs.....
Let's take a look at figure!

Helmet Sculpt: really nice detailing on the crumbles and its removable!

Chest Plate & Bac: Again nicely detailed and weathered, very movie accurate.

Overview Of the Figure:

Close Up of Helmet Sculpt:

1X Removable Helmet
1X Blastach E-11 blaster pistol
1X Removable Backpack

- DC-15 Blaster
- DC-15 Blaster Rifle
- DC-17 Blaster
- Droid Blaster
-Blaster Rifle
-EMP Launcher
To Compare with the 2007's VTAC Imperial Snowtrooper:
Guess what they look the same!!

My Verdict:

But for now, Its Simply lovely!
Snowtrooper: 9/10
Overall: 9/10
ToyShop: : TRU
More Pictures I Have! - Click to enlarge -

Luckily it didn't turn out to bad...phew...what do you think?

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